Campionato Italiano 2014 – Bologna

Please try entering,link,name,images,album&limit=200 into your URL bar and seeing if the page loads.

Please try entering,link,name,images,album&limit=200 into your URL bar and seeing if the page loads.

Please try entering,link,name,images,album&limit=200 into your URL bar and seeing if the page loads.

Please try entering,link,name,images,album&limit=200 into your URL bar and seeing if the page loads.

Please try entering,link,name,images,album&limit=200 into your URL bar and seeing if the page loads.

Please try entering,link,name,images,album&limit=200 into your URL bar and seeing if the page loads.

Please try entering,link,name,images,album&limit=200 into your URL bar and seeing if the page loads.

Campionati Italiani 2014 FIARC iniziati!

Dony Osvy e Stefano, scoccate qualche freccia pensando al fratello Bruce infortunato…

Foto in diretta (o quasi)

Ecco le Classifiche

Complimenti al CAMPIONE ITALIANO OSVY irraggiungibile!

e al nostro amico Ivan Marescalchi! che con un Round 3D da 446 punti si è guadagnato il Secondo posto!

Complimenti a tutti gli arcieri che hanno partecipato!

Aspettiamo commenti di tutti Dony e Stefano compresi!! che si staranno ancora riprendendo dalla mangiate, che li avranno messi a dura prova!

Facebook API came back with a faulty result. You may be accessing an album you do not have permissions to access.


Facebook API came back with a faulty result. You may be accessing an album you do not have permissions to access.


Facebook API came back with a faulty result. You may be accessing an album you do not have permissions to access.


Facebook API came back with a faulty result. You may be accessing an album you do not have permissions to access. Facebook API came back with a faulty result. You may be accessing an album you do not have permissions to access. Facebook API came back with a faulty result. You may be accessing an album you do not have permissions to access.

Facebook API came back with a faulty result. You may be accessing an album you do not have permissions to access.